The Kingdom Family: Intimacy in Marriage (1 Corinthians 7:1–9)

Christians often have a reputation for being anti-sex, but sex was designed by God, and should be discussed, celebrated, and used for God’s glory. In this sermon, Worship Pastor Blake Bostick examines what the Bible teaches about sex compared to what the world teaches about sex.

The Kingdom Family:
Intimacy in Marriage
1 Corinthians 7:1–9

I. The world says sex is about getting;
the Bible says sex is about giving
II. The world says sex is about our bodies;
the Bible says sex is about our souls
III. The world says sex is about novelty;
the Bible says sex is about consistency
IV. The world says sex is about consent;
the Bible says sex is about covenant
V. The world says sex is about pleasure;
the Bible says sex is about procreation
VI. The world says sex is the highest goal;
the Bible says sex is a means to our highest goal